The 2017 FGBMFI World Convention will be in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Our International Office and the FGBMFI Honduras team have been hard at work preparing for the nations of the world to come to San Pedro Sula.
Today we are living in the greatest time of reaching people in the history of the world. At this convention, receive all the good gifts that God has for you. God has made a way for you to attend this fabulous World Convention. He is bringing you here to be empowered, and to bring miracles to your own nation to break the chains of Satan’s bondage!
With God
FGBMFI is the greatest soul winning army in the world. We are in every place. Unlimited by borders, we fill the marketplace with God’s miracles and His Glory.
To a New Level of Blessing with Richard & Vangie Shakarian
Marcos Witt
Famous singer – Speaker, Spanish and English
Richard Shakarian
Get ready to receive the promise of God for your own success and destiny.
Paul Goulet

Special Prophetic Gifts ,Business success trainer of Men and Women, Global Speaker.Las Vegas Pastor – Top USA Political Leaders come to his church in Las Vegas.
Special Meetings
LADIES TEA– Wednesday Afternoon, July 12th
Saturday Afternoon, July 15th
Something For The Whole Family…
Wednesday Morning, July 12th
National Presidents Welcome
Everyday is jammed packed with prophetic messages and powerful testimonies of great men, women and younger executives from around the world.
San Pedro Sula, Hondura
The 2017 FGBMFI World Convention will be in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Our International Office and the FGBMFI Honduras team have been hard at work preparing for the nations of the world to come to San Pedro Sula.
Click the Links Below for all the Convention Details….
Need Help? Ask Becky — call +1 949 529 4688 or email
REGISTRATION OPTIONS ($100 per person)
Everyone is invited to pre-register through the official convention website. However, you also have the option of buying registration tickets through your National Office.
In the United States you may contact Becky at +1 949 529 4688 to purchase a World Convention Registration Ticket. Registration is $100 per person and includes 3 lunches (Thursday, Friday & Saturday).